Triumph Spitfire 2.5.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

pressy, to myself!

after years of being a student to free weights, i have, in part been converted .
the killer squat sessions should be aided by this calf/squat machine.
self asisstance, saftey issues, and adding something extra to routine, made this unit a must have for me.
downside was that i had to buy some olympic plates. also, cash will be short on car for a period.

Friday, February 09, 2007

question answered!

NZ classic car magazine very kindly printed my enquiry regarding this reworked rear suspension. (many thanks!)
in response, Brent very kindly sent me details and links! (many thanks!)
This was built by Andrew Stanton.
Its possible that this chassis was built for Rocky, a guy who has modified alot of heralds, his site is,
andrews is available upon request.

diff mounting kit.

brought from canley classics.
what a fast friendly company!


was well chuffed to get these dellortos. although i will more than likely be using the su's to run engine in on, there was a limited supply of these dhla 45 p's. the model "p" was advised by davesideways, many thanks!
the carbs are using the following as a starting point:
36 chokes 132 mains 7772.6 emulsions 170 airs 70 power jets 40 pumps 60 idles .